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Welcome to My Film Blog

作家相片: Finn van NoakFinn van Noak


Hi, I am Shuaiyu Zhao, aka Finn Noak.

I majored strategic communication public relation at WSU. I am doing this blog for sharing my thoughts, reviews, and information about the Chinese films that I watched and Chinese directors that I admire.

But making this blog is more than just a routine for me. I want to develop more of my insight in the film industry. It is also a good habit to write down and keep tracking my own thoughts. Along the way, I can also learn more about creating, running a blog. I am sure that this skill will benefit me in the future.

I created this website and writing blogs from this summer, besides taking my classes, I have a few other plans. I am currently applying for a few internships. I really hope that I can get accepted by my favorite company. Since I am the minister of the PR department of the Chinese Student Scholar Association, my job is communicating with our potential sponsors and negotiating about the sponsorship deals.

I assume that most of my viewers are fans of films in a somewhat degree. Chinese films and directors are probably a fresh and undeveloped filed to some of them. My goals at here are more than introducing Chinese films and directors. I want to make this blog very interesting and attract more and more viewers. I may also post and share a few of my own filming works.

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