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Most Frequently Asked FAQ in Film Industry

作家相片: Finn van NoakFinn van Noak


Is it harder to get started or to keep going? What was the particular thing that you had to conquer to do either?

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to have a life creating film?

What was the most important lesson you had to learn that has had a positive effect on your film?

How did that lesson happen?

How have you discovered members of your team and how do you keep the relationship with them strong?

When inspiration is waning, when you feel creatively sapped, what do you do? How do you stay fresh?

How much do you think commerce affects your art? Or: How much do you have to compromise as a filmmaker because of financial restrictions or business?

Why do you think there are so few women in filmmaking?

What makes a film great for you?

Are there certain qualities that make a film better for you?

What films have been the most inspiring or influential to you and why?

When you get angry at a movie, what sets you off?

Are there common qualities in cinema today that you dislike?

Is there something you try to subvert or avoid or rebel against in your work?


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毕赣等导演的电影经常有非线形时间的叙事,在拍摄此类的电影中,可以在电影的背景上设置“时间”的变化等等,作为细节的存在。 比如:《路边野餐》中多次出现的倒放的时钟和墙壁上儿童手绘的钟表。


在悬疑或者细节众多且需要观众烧脑边看边分析的电影中,把电影的关键“揭秘要素”放在一幕的不经意的细节中,最终在结尾处揭秘。 从而让观众在看完全片的时候有一种恍然大悟且惊奇惊喜的感觉。


可以由几个分别很美的点组成一个美的电影画面。 几个点之间还能相互支撑,形成一种支点,好像三角结构一样,把某一帧画面提取出来都能找到在人物或者在物体上的几个点,当他们连结在一起形成线条时,可以组成一个完整的图像。


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